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2013-11-09 2013周年慶VIP折扣~Jill Stuart, 香緹卡, Les Nereides, Paul and Joe sister, Cynthia Rowley, MBMJ (5012) (19)
2012-10-30 Les Nereides/Rouge 新朋友 (1830) (8)
2012-10-25 Chantecaille香緹卡~彩妝保養小分享 (866) (1)
2012-10-22 Jill Stuart 2012 Winter Look Book (小更新唷!!) (1382) (3)
2012-10-21 2012空白的日子(終於寫完了~灑花瓣!!) (1471) (7)
2011-12-28 I'll Have a Blue Christmas Without U (1204) (23)
2011-12-16 VCA珠寶展 @ Bellavita (6173) (12)
2011-12-04 美衣割愛~(不定期更新) (1503) (0)
2011-11-23 初體驗~~Prada boots & Snidel knit (2519) (14)
2011-11-14 新光周慶的尾巴~JS少得可憐的新品...喜歡的什麼時候來 (1212) (10)
2011-11-13 Fitting Room~ MBMJ, Cynthia Rowley (1326) (4)
2011-11-07 小晃JS 巧遇巧克力之神穿搭 ~ JS, Prideglide, Chanel, Prada (1290) (3)
2011-11-01 穿搭小雜記~JS, Chanel, Les Nereides銀芭蕾 (2226) (9)
2011-10-31 Pierre Marcolini 頂級巧克力沙龍 @ A4 2F (1253) (1)
2011-10-28 Jill Stuart 穿搭分享 & 新品入荷 (1385) (3)
2011-10-25 Chanel化妝水三姊妹 & Chantecaille周慶滿額贈!! (603) (0)
2011-10-20 Jill Stuart秋裝出動 之 漏網之魚&大衣入侵!! (1274) (14)
2011-10-16 預購小逛Chanel, MBMJ, Les Nereides, Cynthia Rowley (1865) (5)
2011-10-15 Chantecaille新玩意~周年慶優惠~底妝保養小心得 (5095) (1)
2011-10-13 Jill Stuart Reopen 新歡 & wanting more (終於完成了!!) (2010) (11)
2011-10-07 南投~921後重生的天堂 內湖國小 忘憂森林 紙教堂 (384) (2)
2011-10-05 台中好吃又好玩~剪髮 & yoga (1999) (2)
2011-09-10 Jill Stuart穿搭 & Cynthia Rowley fitting room ^^ (2203) (16)
2011-09-08 Cynthia Rowley 秋冬新品鑑賞會 9/8~11 85折 (1855) (7)
2011-09-06 Chanel 生日禮 & 星沙幻采眼影膏山茶花收藏盒 (1365) (4)
2011-08-31 小小的髮飾collection~~SF, L. Erickson, Evit Peroni, Complex biz (1853) (3)
2011-08-27 Jill Stuart 秋裝 wanted list (more and more updating) ^O^ (2781) (13)
2011-08-19 Les Nereides 金芭蕾金美麗~答案揭曉!! (8508) (27)
2011-08-15 Jill Stuart 秋裝 wanted list ^^ (584) (14)
2011-07-24 Chanel蔚藍海岸VIP體驗 & 星沙幻彩秋妝發表 (3239) (11)
2011-07-24 Chantecaille 情迷聖巴特島彩妝教室 with 帥氣型男Leslie老師 (631) (5)
2011-07-12 酷熱夏天就是要耍"褲"~ Cynthia Rowley & Jill Stuart (1712) (17)
2011-06-19 Les Nereides芭蕾舞團吉祥物報到 (1140) (6)
2011-06-17 Jill Stuart c/p值最高的穿搭!!!! (873) (3)
2011-06-11 Les Nereides 新朋友星鑽星鑽亮晶晶 (1659) (7)
2011-06-04 Jill Stuart 2011 s/s top推薦 Part 2 (1196) (4)
2011-06-01 除草拉~Jill Stuart 2011 s/s推薦大集合^^(Part 1) (1843) (4)
2011-01-11 Chanel 2011春夏新品 珍珠光感系列搶先發表會 (4770) (5)
2011-01-05 Les Nereides 天鵝湖 vs 馬戲團 vs 小王子 ^^ (2005) (5)
2011-01-05 Les Nereides for sale 項鍊篇 ^^ (新增) (2658) (11)
2011-01-03 週年慶戰利品 part 5~ Jill Stuart上衣篇 補上真人秀啦~~ (1038) (3)
2010-12-24 分享一下Jill Stuart耶誕跨年(今天最後一天喔)的特別折扣!!! (649) (2)
2010-12-13 週年慶戰利品Part 4~ Jill Stuart外套篇 (4172) (4)
2010-12-13 週年慶戰利品 Part 3~Les Nereides Ballerina 舞團新團員 (1509) (10)
2010-12-09 Chantecaille聖誕繽紛馬卡龍 遇上 法國彩妝師Louisa Page (1016) (8)
2010-11-30 台北寒舍艾美酒店 北緯25度下午茶 (29936) (3)
2010-11-24 週年慶戰利品part 2 Jeans!!! (1237) (3)
2010-11-21 週年慶戰利品 Part 1 Chanel cosmatics (2273) (2)
2010-11-15 Jill Stuart 8折生日券 shopping list (689) (2)
2010-11-12 I love yoga!!! (305) (0)
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